
We want to give every man a community who support and challenge him to be better.

Closed circle

Our 6-month Closed Circle is our bread and butter. Start and finish with the same 6 men. Held over 26 weeks (6 months), these weekly circles are led by one of our trained and supervised facilitators, to guide you through our self-development program. It's a dedicated space to help you increase self-awareness, self-acceptance, and to understand responsible action with mutual support from the group to encourage integrity and accountability.

Closed Circles are at the same time and day every week; decided by the facilitator leading it. All our circles are currently online, on Zoom. We have a 'pay what you can' membership model: £50, £60, or £80 per month.


The Program



The first stages is dedicated to “creating the container” - getting used to the structure and format, and getting to know the other men in the circle. We have the opportunity to share our life stories, which can give us a clearer picture about how we came to be the way we are. We learn listening skills, how to be present, and how to provide insightful feedback to other men.



In the stages we go into much greater depth; exploring our patterns of behaviour - why we do the things we do, our emotions, triggers and ways of thinking. In this stage we are invited to accept the parts of ourselves that we may not like; leading to greater insight into our motivations, wants and needs. This is the stage of developing your emotional intelligence and language, as well as an embodied awareness.



In the final stages you are invited to begin taking responsibility for yourself. This looks like taking on challenges from other men, choosing actions for your own development and beginning to choose changes for yourself to improve as a man. This is also where you can gain real accountability from the other men in your circle.

Book an intro call.

Book an intro call.

Book an intro call.

Book an intro call.